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The Awards also recognised Citizens UK as Champion of the Year.  Citizens UK coordinated the Refugees Welcome movement in 85 towns and cities across the country and successfully campaigned to increase the number of Syrian refugees resettled in the UK in 2015. Citizens UK is the largest broad-based community organising alliance in the UK. Its membership comprises over 300 civil society groups, including schools, faith institutions, trade union branches and universities. The main aim of Citizens UK is to increase participation of civil society in public life, by organising communities to act together for the common good. Citizens UK have been campaigning on refugee and migrant issues for over a decade, but have really stepped up their efforts in promoting rights of refugees and migrants in the past year. The main aim of their campaign is to restore dignity and respect for migrants and refugees. The Award was presented by Gonzalo Vargas Llosa, UNHCR Representative to the UK and  Director Phyllida Lloyd to women leaders: Razan Alakraa, Joon Lynn Goh, Rabbi Janet Darley and Reverend Karen Rooms.

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